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Golden Palomino D. G.
Crushed Stone Fines Material
Southern California Quarry
Palomino Gold D. G. has a great balance of gold and white. This crushed rock material is great for general landscape ground cover, utility areas and pathways. The color of Gold Palomino D. G. is about 75% gold and 25% white. No stabilizer is needed for good compaction. If stronger compaction is needed then mix with 15 pounds of binder per 1 ton of D. G.

Whether for driveways, pathways, patios, utility landscape areas or to surround trees, crushed stone or decomposed granite can be a versatile material that prevents weed growth, maintain even soil moisture, and makes an outdoor space more appealing. These two are not the same material, though. Decomposed granite has a natural coarse look to it, while crushed stone products tend to be flatter and have a higher amount of fine material. Crushed stone products, granite, sandstone, limestone, and others offer a greater array of natural colors to work with than most true decomposed granite materials.

Decomposed Granite and Crushed Stone Fines are not the same materials. Decomposed granite has a natural coarse look to it with irregular round quartz pebbles. Crushed stone products tend to be flatter and have a higher amount of fine material. Crushed stone products, granite, sandstone, limestone, and others offer a greater array of natural colors to work with than most true decomposed granite materials.
Decomposed Granite Per Ton
As a general rule of 3/8" or 1/4" of crushed stone or decomposed granite material will cover a little over 90 square feet of a ground area at a 3" depth.
Decomposed Granite Per Yard
As a general rule 1 cubic yard of 3/8" or 1/4" of crushed stone or decomposed granite material will cover 120 square feet in a 3" inch layer. A cubic yard of moist crushed stone fines or decomposed granite material weighs more or less 3,000 pounds.

A proper DG surface does not move underfoot like sand or gravel, but its porosity allows water to penetrate to the soil below. That aspect makes DG or crushed stone fines a good paving material around trees and shrubs.

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Palomino Gold D. G. 3/8" Minus Per Ton RockSack Palomino Gold D. G. 3/8" Minus 1 Ton EarthBag

The color of Palomino Gold D. G. is about 75% gold and 25% white. No stabilizer is needed for good compaction. If strong compaction is needed then mix with 15 pounds of binder per 1 ton of D. G.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $239.99 Southern California Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $174.99
Savings: $65.00
Palomino Gold D. G. 3/8" Minus Per Ton Truckload Palomino Gold D. G. 3/8" Minus Per Ton Truckload

The color of Golden Palomino D. G. is about 75% gold and 25% white. No stabilizer is needed for good compaction. If stronger compaction is needed then mix with 15 pounds of binder per 1 ton of D. G.

Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Price Per Ton $81.60 Southern California Quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $71.99
Savings: $9.61
Golden Palomino D. G.